Leschi Elementary


PTA Standing Rules

Approved September 21, 2022

  1. Name and identity

The name of this organization is Leschi PTA: Leschi PTA 6.15.207, local unit ID 00023250.

  1. PTA Purpose and Community

This PTA seeks to serve the Leschi Elementary school community, which includes the residences and businesses in the Leschi Elementary school enrollment area. Leschi PTA works for the health, welfare, safety, education, care, and protection of children in the home, school, and community.

  1. Incorporation

This PTA was incorporated on 12/03/1987. It was assigned UBI number 601-058-784. The treasurer is responsible for filing an annual corporation report. The registered agent for this corporation is the Washington State PTA.

The EIN is kept in the legal document notebooks in the custody of the PTA president and secretary.

  1. Charities program

This PTA is registered with the Washington Secretary of State Charities program, registration number 2665. The treasurer is responsible for filing the annual renewal by May 31 to avoid penalties.

  1. Tax-exempt Status

This PTA was granted tax-exempt status under Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3) on 09/22/1989. A copy of the letter of determination is filed in the legal document notebooks maintained by the president and secretary.

  1. IRS Filing

The treasurer is responsible for filing the appropriate federal informational return prior to November 15 and providing a copy to the board of directors no later than December 1. Copies of the current and past years’ returns are kept in the legal document notebooks maintained by the president and secretary.

  1. Registered Agent

This PTA has designated Washington State PTA as its registered agent with the Washington Secretary of State’s office, the Washington Department of Revenue, and the Internal Revenue Service. Copies of the signed documents making such designation are available in the legal document notebooks maintained by the president and secretary.

  1. Standards of Affiliation

Per the Washington State PTA Uniform Bylaws, this PTA will annually complete the Washington State PTA Standards of Affiliation agreement in its entirety, and we agree to abide by all requirements and to uphold the ethics, policies, and principles of PTA.

  1. Membership

Membership in Leschi PTA shall be open to all people without discrimination. Membership is open to all parents, guardians, teachers, staff, grandparents, students, community members, and any other persons that support and encourage the purposes of PTA. 

  1. Membership Dues and Council Fees

The dues for Leschi PTA shall not exceed $8 per individual adult membership. All paid members may make motions, participate in debate, and vote at PTA membership meetings. 

Leschi PTA may offer full or partial membership subsidies to persons requesting them, in accordance with the Membership Subsidy Policy, which shall be reviewed and approved annually at a membership meeting.

  1. Membership Meetings and Quorum

Adoption of the budget, adoption of standing rules, election of the nominating committee, report of the financial review committee, and election of officers shall take place at membership meetings.

A calendar of membership meetings adequate to accomplish the business of the association shall be determined by the board of directors.

Each member will receive notice of the place, date, and time of the meetings not less than ten nor more than sixty days prior to the date of the meeting. A quorum of at least 10 members must be present to conduct business. 

  1. Board of Director Meetings

The executive committee shall set a calendar of regular board meeting dates and times. Special meetings of the board of directors may be called by the president or upon written request of the majority of members of the board of directors. Notification of place, date, time, and purpose of the meeting shall be delivered to each member of the board of directors via email at least five days prior to the special meeting. Quorum for board meetings is a majority of the sitting board.

The right to make motions, participate in debate, and vote at PTA board of directors’ meetings shall be limited to members of the board of directors, unless a motion to suspend the rules is approved by a two-thirds vote.

  1. Elected officers, co-officers, standards of affiliation and training requirements

The elected officers of this PTA shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Legislative Liaison. 

Any elected position may be held jointly by two people. Each co-position holder shall be entitled to make motions, participate in debate, and vote at a meeting of the executive committee or board of directors. These officers will constitute the Executive Committee of the Board.

This PTA will ensure that each executive committee member attends a minimum of one WSPTA-approved training during the fiscal year. At least one member of the executive committee will attend PTA and the Law during the fiscal year.

  1. Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall consist of elected officers and Executive-Committee-appointed members including the leads of any board-appointed committees and at-large representatives. Please see the attached list of elected officers and non-elected Executive-Committee-appointed members for the current year, which is maintained by the Secretary.

  1. Officer election process

Voting for officers or nominating committee positions shall take place at a membership meeting.

  1. Committees

The executive committee may establish committees. Committee chairpersons shall be appointed by the president and approved by the executive committee for a term of one year.  All committee chairpersons must be current members of this PTA.

Committee chairs shall be appointed annually for a one-year term.

A committee chair may be removed from their position by a vote of the board of directors.

  1. Awards

Golden Acorn, Outstanding Advocate, Outstanding Student Advocate, and Outstanding Educator Award(s) may be awarded annually. 

  1. Budget and Monthly Financial Reports

This PTA shall approve its annual operating budget in the spring of each year.  The board of directors has authority to reallocate any funds budgeted for one purpose for another purpose by a two-thirds vote.

The treasurer will submit a monthly financial report to the board of directors.

  1. Legal Documents

The PTA shall maintain two copies of its legal documents, one copy may be in secure online storage. An original or hardcopy of any legal document shall be kept in a legal documents notebook in a secure location accessible by the president and/or secretary. All elected officers shall have access to the contents of online legal document storage. 

  1. Financial Review

The PTA is required to conduct a financial review of its books at the close of the fiscal year. (June 30.) The financial review report will be presented at the next following membership meeting.

  1. Bank Account

This PTA shall establish one or more accounts in financial institutions as determined by the board of directors. The PTA shall require the approval of at least two elected officers to make a withdrawal.

  1. Bank Account Signers

The board of directors shall determine which officers shall have signing authority on the PTA bank account. 

  1. Independent Review of Bank Statements

The PTA’s monthly bank account statements shall be provided to a person appointed by the board of directors. This person will be appointed by the board at the beginning of the fiscal year and shall not be a signer on the account. The reviewer shall promptly report to the executive committee any concerns or discrepancies identified in the review. If no concerns or discrepancies are seen, the reviewer shall initial and date the account statements and provide them to the treasurer.

  1. Payments and Reimbursements

All payment and reimbursement requests shall include an invoice or a receipt and should be submitted to the treasurer within 60 days of expenditure. Requests submitted without a receipt may be accepted at Treasurer’s discretion. Any requests for reimbursement not submitted prior to the date determined by the treasurer prior to the end of the school year, will be considered a donation to the general fund of this PTA.

No authorized signer will sign a check to her or himself. Two authorized signers must sign all PTA checks.

  1. Voting Delegates

This PTA may send as many voting delegates to the WSPTA Convention as allowed by the WSPTA Uniform Bylaws.  All delegates shall be selected by the Board.

This PTA may send as many voting delegates to the WSPTA Legislative Assembly as allowed by the WSPTA Uniform Bylaws.  All delegates shall be selected by the Board.

  1. Policy Review

This PTA shall maintain policies for accepting gifts/donations, membership subsidy, password transition and social media. These policies shall be reviewed and approved yearly by the board of directors. These policies shall reside with the secretary.

  1. Online Account, Password Protection, and Transition Procedures

A list of all active online accounts and programs is kept with the president. A transition policy and list of active accounts must be provided to the financial review committee, minus passwords and account numbers.

A list of current passwords will be transitioned to the incoming president after June 30, at which time all passwords will be changed and provided to any other board members whose role requires access.

  1. Standing Rules

The standing rules of this PTA shall be adopted annually by majority vote at the first membership meeting of the school year. The standing rules may be amended at a membership meeting by majority vote if previous notice of the meeting was given. If no previous notice was given, then a two-thirds (2/3) vote is required.