Leschi Elementary


Leschi Principal Introduction

Dear Leschi Community,

My name is Genevieve Ramsey (I go by Genny) and I am very excited and honored to lead the Leschi Elementary School community as your new principal. I am thrilled to serve this beautiful community alongside our caring and dedicated staff.

I am a Seattle native who grew up in Seattle Public Schools and am a proud graduate of Garfield High School. My experiences as a student in Seattle Public Schools motivated me to become an educator and contribute to building a more just an equitable education system. I am beginning my 22nd year as an educator. I have been a classroom teacher, district-level literacy facilitator in the Renton School District, dean of students, and assistant principal. I am honored for the opportunity to serve in the principal role at Leschi. I am an enthusiastic and committed life-long learner. I have enjoyed learning about the Leschi community this June and beginning to connect to staff, students, and families. In August I look forward to connecting more deeply with the school community. I plan to host a meet-the-principal open house in August and a playground meet-up with Leschi families and staff to launch the 2023-2024 school year.

When I’m not at school I love to read, walk and run, camp, hike, explore the Pacific Northwest. My family is avid walkers and hikers – you may run into us exploring local parks and trails. I have two children who attend nearby schools – an incoming 3rd and 6th grader. My husband teaches at nearby Garfield High School.

As a school leader I am guided by my values and commitment to:

  • Providing all students and families a school community that fosters a sense of connectedness and belonging; where all members are seen and accepted as their authentic selves, their identities are affirmed, and they experience joy and acceptance at Leschi.
  • Ensuring high-quality learning where all students experience engaging, relevant core instruction that aligns to grade level standards and individualized supports to grow as learners.
  • Learning from the voices of our students and community; ensuring that each student and family’s experience at Leschi meets their needs.
  • Disrupting harmful legacies of education and supporting anti-racist, equitable practices at Leschi.

As Leschi’s Principal, I bring my many years of experience and a deep commitment to the students, staff members, and families of Leschi. I believe schools are critical in building community of connectedness and belonging where we can all continuously learn and grow together. Please contact me by phone or email anytime. I am available to meet with any interested families and community members in August. I look forward to serving the Leschi community in partnership with you.

With gratitude and excitement for the year ahead,

Genevieve Ramsey (she/her/hers)
Principal, Leschi Elementary School